General Data Pro
tection regulations
Personal Data Protection
As part of the implementation of the European General Data Protection Regulations (RGPD), we have updated our privacy policy. The personal information collected on the site is subject to a secure computer processing for the exclusive use of the management of the campsite La Peyrade in the context of its commercial activity.
That’s why we invite you to consult our Privacy policy information that will allow you to understand what personal data we collect and what we do with it, as well as the rights you have And how you can exercise them.
General Data Protection Regulations
The purpose of this document is to inform you about our personal data management policy: What data we collect, how we treat them, for what purposes and with whom we Share them.
1-Collection of personal data
The personal data we collect only serve to meet your requests when you want to stay at Camping La PEYRADE.
They are strictly reserved for internal use and accessible only to people working at the reception, because we attach great importance to it.
We only collect and store the data necessary for the realization and the billing of your stays. In fact, processing your requests and establishing legal contracts legally require the collection of certain personal data. For example, the NF525 standard requires that for any invoice issued, the name and address be mentioned.
Booking requests via our online booking, go through the CTOUTVERT-secure Holiday booking interface and are sent directly to the database of our APPLICAMP management software of Amicia.
The data collected are as follows:-Surna
me and first name of the participants in t
he stay,-date of bir
th,-postal address
,-country of reside
nce,-e-mail addre
ss,-telephone numbers,-
date of arrival and departure
The secure online booking system uses bank data from clients that are systematically encrypted.
The APPLICAMP software gives us access to other features to collect additional data. The ones we use are the following:
-Mother tongue of the clien
t,-customer Type,
-internal comments of the campsite on the cus
tomer,-archive of the dates of the previou
s stays,-vehicle registration number
We do not use your data for commercial purposes. We never share them with third parties and do not divulge them to anyone. On the other hand we may be required to use them for the realization of statistical studies including that requested by INSE
E and which is obligatory some personal data can also be collected via our e-mail. They are subject to the same attention and the same restrictions of use as those used on our APPLICAMP software. This professional messaging is protected by a dedicated password, anti-spam and computer antivirus.
No personal information is collected without your consent.
To date, we do not broadcast a newsletter.
-Cancellation insur
ance in the case of a subscription to the cancellation insurance, we are obligated to transmit all the data collected to the insurer group GRITCHEN assurances. The company is solely responsible for the processing of the transmitted data.
The service providers we have just appointed have all written their own privacy policy.
For each of them you will find the details of their respective charter, which you can download below and consult offline.
CTOUTVERT Privacy Policy – Secure Hol
iday APPLICAMP Privacy Policy
In order to guarantee the best possible protection, we make sure to work with constantly updated software.
-Our website: We
have secured our website to put it in HTTPS mode. In addition, you can consult our website without divulging any personal information.
This site may contain hypertext links to third party sites, partners or not. These sites are not under the control of and we disclaim all responsibility for the content of these sites, any updates that may be made to them or any communication against you issued by the said sites.
We track the performance of our website through Google Analytics and collect information on how visitors use our website. This allows us to better understand their expectations and to be able to improve this site. We do not receive or record any personal information such as name or address.
2-Retention of personal data we ke
ep your personal details according to the obligatory regulations (e.g. the data necessary for the creation of an invoice are kept for 10 years from the close of our accounting year fixed at 31 December of each year). Beyond this period, all your data is deleted.
If you return to this campsite in this 10-year intervening time, the data stored in our customer file allow us to facilitate your administrative procedures by reusing them for a new reservation and The preparation of a new invoice.
To this end, we strive to ensure that the personal data held are accurate, current and complete. We always respond to requests from customers who wish to rectify or update information about them.
Our paper documents are kept in a room accessible only to our qualified personnel, and the computer files saved by us daily.
In order to properly process your requests and reservations, only the information you communicate to us can be kept by means of an e-mail, our website or the websites of our partners or by phone.
In the case of online payment, the bank information you provide is made visible to us only once, the time to make the sale remotely and then immediately destroyed.
The paper records concerning your reservations, which we print to facilitate their processing and their follow-up, are kept throughout the season to be shown in case of control of the services of the state. This data is stored in a room accessible only to the manager responsible for the establishment.
3 Your righ
ts at any time, in accordance with the legislation in force concerning the Protection of personal data, you have a right of access, rectification and deletion.
-Right of a
ccess you can ask us if we have information about you and, if so, to provide you with all of this data.
-Right of rectific
ation you can ask us at any time to rectify the incorrect information about you.
-Right to ob
livion you can ask us to delete your personal data whenever you want. We will then withdraw all your data, except those that we must keep within the framework of French or European legislation.
Other rights are provided for in the RGDP. We invite you to visit the CNIL website to find out more:
-Who to contact and how?
A Data protection Officer (OPD) has been designated to be your point of contact on any matter related to the protection of personal data.
To exercise your rights, simply contact this OPD: P
ierre BISON: Responsible for camping La Pe
yrade-either by mail to the following address: info@ca by mail to the following address: campsite la Peyrade Route
de Colombiés
12390 RIGNAC- Update this privacy policy will be subject to change at any time. To stay informed about these changes, we invite you to consult them regularly.
Updated on 08/01/2019
Webmaster: SAS LINO
V webhost: SARL Haisoft